PASC Officers 2022-2023
President: Cassandre
This position is a two-year commitment, with the first year serving as President and the second year serving as Past-President. The responsibilities include:
Supervise and coordinate the activities of the organization as a liaison between the organization and University.
Call and preside over meetings and prepare agendas in conjunction with the secretary.
Maintain communication with Student Activities and ensure that all organizational information, including registration, is current, and maintain familiarity with UNT policies
Keep advisor informed of activities and functions of the organization.
Commit to serving in the position of Past President for one year after completing responsibilities as President.
Past President: Gabby
Train the newly elected President in their duties and aid in all matters.
Support the President in fulfilling duties of their position through mentoring and historical context for decision-making.
Continue to advocate for PASC and its mission whenever possible and fulfill other duties related to holding a position as a board member.
Secretary: Deisy
Notify members of meetings, and keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings.
Maintain organization of documents in Dropbox.
Prepare the organization’s registration profile and submit to Student Activities.
Financial Coordinator: Darlene
Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended.
Present a budget report of deposits and expenditures to the membership.
Responsible for collecting dues and leading one fundraising project a year.
Membership Coordinator: Julian
Take attendance at all meetings and maintain an attendance record.
Verify eligibility of current officers and check eligibility for potential officers, prior to annual elections, and organize and manage the election process.
Maintain accurate list of members and their contact information.
Reach out to members who have not fulfilled their membership requirement regarding continued interest in PASC and future opportunities for membership.
Outreach Coordinator: Macey
Act as a liaison and engage with community and university groups and organizations.
Organize PASC events, ideally one major event (faculty discussion, workshop, special topics presentation, etc.) per semester.
Inform PASC members of local or university-affiliated events and opportunities aligned with the PASC mission.
Lead and coordinate an Outreach Committee.
Action Coordinator: Madasen & Charlie
Act as a liaison and engage with community and university groups and organizations.
Organize PASC events, ideally one major event (faculty discussion, workshop, special topics presentation, etc.) per semester.
Inform PASC members of local or university-affiliated events and opportunities aligned with the PASC mission.
Lead and coordinate an Action Outreach Committee.
Communications Coordinator: McKenzie
Develop and maintain PASC’s social media’s presence (e.g., Facebook) and other online presence (e.g., PASC organization page on the Department’s page, articles by PASC for the Department’s page, etc.).
Maintain the official PASC organizational email account and organizational listserv.
Lead and coordinate a Communications Committee.
Why we joined PASC:
Cassandre: I was interested in PASC in order to remain active in social justice work. PASC allows me to remain engaged in advocacy while building community with others who also value creating change. I want to continue to shine a light on injustices and stand with others to eradicate barriers to promote the well-being of all individuals.
Deisy: I joined PASC because I value being a part of an organization that works to promote diversity and inclusion in our field.
Darlene: I joined PASC so that I could be a part of social change in my community and not just in my clinical work.
Macey: I joined PASC to be in community with my peers as we engage in efforts for our own growth as culturally conscious researchers, clinicians, and educators and in efforts towards meaningful social change and advocacy in our own communities and broader society.
Madasen: I joined PASC to serve our students and facilitate connections with the community at large.
Charlie: Media coverage of inequality across the US increased exponentially over the past several years, sparking (sometimes contentious) conversations among the population as people are introduced to pervasive social issues. For people of color and marginalized groups, however, injustice has long been a relentless agent of socialization and an inescapable facet of reality. I joined PASC because I believe in solidarity, and I believe in the ability for my colleagues and I to effect change within our community.
McKenzie: I joined PASC to be involved with a community of other students who are engaged and active in advocacy and social justice work, while growing to become culturally competent psychologists.
Email PASC at pasc@unt.edu for more information about member involvement and committees.